Monday, May 12, 2008

Double Chocolate Fudge Macadamia Marble Cake

I should really have called this the 'Macadamia's Lost Her Marbles' cake. How else would you describe a cake born out of nervous energy and a craving for chocolates, nuts and everything decadent? Sigh!

It was past midnight I think, when I decided to bake. Anything to escape from 'actual work' ;)
And since I didn't have the patience to follow any particular recipe, I just threw in this and that on-the-fly. You can see my complete lack of focus in the frosting and decoration :D Mybad!

But it turned out ok, so I decided to let it materialize here.

And Chech? When you read this, look at the date and REMEMBER what you FORGOT.

Anyway, You Will Need:
Eggs – 5
Butter – 250 gms
Maida – 250 gms

Sugar – 250 gms
Cocoa/coffee – 4 tsp (mix the powder with half of 1/4th cup of milk)
Milk 1/4th cup
Baking Powder – 2 tsp
Vanilla essence – 2 tsp

Preparation Method:

1. Let the butter soften at room temperature

2. Powder the sugar

3. Separate the egg whites from the yolks

4. Cream together the butter and sugar

5. Add the egg yolks to the above mixture

6. Beat well

7. Sift the flour along with the baking powder onto a clean dry dish (sift 3 or 4 times to get rid of the air pockets)

8. Add this to the butter mixture

9. Add the vanilla essence

10. Beat the egg white till stiff and add

11. Separate the mixture into two halves

12. To one half add the cocoa (or coffee) and mix well

13. You now have two colored mixtures - one light and creamy and the other a dark chocolaty.

14. Add some chopped cashew nuts to the creamy mixture and chopped macadamia nuts/almonds to the chocolate mixture

Layering The Cake pan:

Scoop the mixtures alternatively into the prepared cake pan, making inch-wide stripes with the cream and dark dough so that you have a cream strip followed by a dark strip

Repeat till you cover the entire pan

When you’ve lined the pan, take a fork and lightly run it in a zig-zag motion over the mixture, once horizontally and once vertically.

Meanwhile, preheat the over to 180 degree Centigrade

Bake for 30 minutes or until the edges start leaving the sides of the pan

For the frosting, I followed THIS recipe, only I added some dark cooking chocolate for the middle layer of frosting.

Assembling The Cake:
- Ummm, you can go ahead and indulge in some creative license ;)

- For this one, Make two separate cakes in 9" pans

- Spread the frosting with dark chocolate evenly on it

- Sprinkle some nuts and dry sweetened coconut flakes

- Place Cake 2 on it and press down lightly but firmly

- Spread the normal frosting evenly, including sides

- Decorate with strawberries, sweetened coconut flakes, and whatever you can think of at the time ;)

(For the chocolate coated strawberries, simply melt some milk chocolate and coat the strawberries with it)

P.S. I'm going to dedicate this to my 'parasite' friend who's sold his soul to the devil ;)


Rainman said...


Correction: "Looks delicious!" ;-)

P.S. I'm sure your 'parasite' friend will thank you for the dedication! ;-)

--xh-- said...

slurpp.. man, chocloate, more chocolate and nuts... looks yummy...

Deepa said...

The cake looks scrumptious, and the frosting, like something i would have done.

But the overall effect is simply lip smackingly delicious! Quick! out with the recipe!

PS. do keep visiting my blog!

Nefariousoutlook said...

i have a that the pic of the cake you made or is that the pic of the cake you were trying to make.....anyways..the cake in the pic ..looks sinfully delicious :)

Macadamia The Nut said...

:D If you're nice I'll fed ex you some. Notice, I said 'if'... because you and nice are oxymorons. Lol!

Thanks ;)

@the scatterbrain
Thank yoooo! :d And of course, definitely!

Lol!! I made. I made! ;) The messed up frosting on the side isn't something many people would own up to ;)

Filarial said...

awwww... :)

I use a quarter cup of milk and a quarter cup of refined oil (instead of butter - healthier u see..:D) and butter the pan (there that makes it really healthy!)-

So I have 2 questions- (u did not expect this did u..:D) -- but seriously- what substitutes the milk here? I always thot it was used to soften the batter

and why remove the egg yolks?

Filarial said...

aaah- figured one out- I was looking at the preparation not the ingredients which lists the milk..:D

Macadamia The Nut said...

:O :O
Nope, this I didn't expect! ROTFL

Ok, so when you use butter at room temperature and then the eggs, that's more than enough to get the right consistency. Milk inst needed. Of course, if the batter turns out thicker that it should you can always thin it out with a little milk.

And I didn't remove the egg yolks, merely used the whites and yolks at two separate stages. :D

§ωατι §ετhι said...

Yummmm!!!!!! :D
Awesome dear!!

I have baked the Marble cake but never did the Frosting..Will try it this time!! :)
Jst one small question..I chkd out the Frosting recipe..What do they mean by 'evaporated milk' or half and half.. :O :O

Macadamia The Nut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Macadamia The Nut said...

Thanks Swati! :D
Evaporated milk is just like our condensed milk, but only thing is it doesn't have sugar. If you've made condensed milk at home, you just have to do the same thing minus sugar. And half and half is something we get here which is a mixture of half cream, half milk.

Ok, I just googled (where will we be without google :D) and here are your options as a substitute:
1) Make the half and half at home
7/8 cup milk
7/8 tablespoon melted butter, cooled

Mix well, use in place of half-and-half

2) Use a cup of whipping cream instead

3) Try another frosting recipe ;)Tarla Dalal has some awesome ones on her site, no?

Deepa said...

Thanks for the recipe! I'm going to try "macadamia's-lost-her-marbles" cake this weekend... for sure!

PS.I love the name. Don't change it to anything more recipe like.

anN-series said...

girl i just stumbled upon this blog of my..u shud take part in BBC's masterchef next year!!!...i hate to admit this..but i am a really really BAD cook!!!!actually i do not like cooking...i prefer to live on ham sandwiches and bread n jam..but i also have to help myself with vitamin and other supplees!!

Macadamia The Nut said...

@the scatterbrain
Lol! yessir! Did you try it btw?

Hah! :D thanks for the compliment though ;D
I love eating too much to compromise :( BIG problemo! :(

Jans said...

I hav'nt tried my hand at baking too much, but this sure looks temptation might take me to a baking expedition...will keep u posted.

Anonymous said...

hmmmmm....that does loooookkkkk dellllliiiiciiiooooouuusssss!!!!!!!!!

I wish I cud cook like u...too bad u r not here to cook for me ;) the way..wat did i forget????

Macadamia The Nut said...

This ones a cakewalk. Seriously! Lemme know how it turns out ;)

If this really is you, you'll know. Look at the freakin date. Two things. Hmmmpffh!
Also, I waited for you guys on Sunday for the so-called mega y!conference. Super pissed!!
AND wouldn't make this for you even if I was there :D
Adhikam hopes venda. Yahoo? :D

P.S. We need a code to ensure that it really is you posting.

Cяystal said...

OH MAHN!!!!!!!!!

I'm drooling!! ANYTHING!!

It looks SOOO tempting!!

YUm!!!!!!!!!!! :| :D

I love this blog!! :D

PS-you gotta be a regular "customer" of my blog :P

Reeta Skeeter said...

Drooling all ovah!

Macadamia The Nut said...

LOL! OF course, what do you sell? ;)

@reeta skeeter
:D Thanks

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Mummy Nana said...

OMG combination dessert and ur savoury food look really mouth watering...I love it so much... must try....:-)mmm yummm